The solution for the most complex ultra low light detection challenges
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Enhance your camera’s noise & photon counting performances
Space-based Imaging
Breaking barriers in low-light space-based imaging
Your all-inclusive solution
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Higher SNR in the darkest environment
Life Science
Photon counting imaging capacity
Single-photon detection for measurements at the quantum limit
Cutting edge imaging for sensitive quality control
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Additional Imaging Options
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Photon Counting
Space-based Imaging
Advanced Imaging Rises to the Task of Detecting Space Debris
Breakthrough products :
Bringing Habitable Planets to Light with Faster Adaptive Optics
La NASA acquiert une camera conçue à l’UdeM
MROI feature
New products:
Nüvü Camēras at the INGO innovation center
Nüvü Caméras: an
controller for space
Nüvü’s Camēras heads into space
Riverlane Partners With Infleqtion And Nüvü Camēras to Help Quantum Computers ‘See’ Their Qubits
Voir différemment Marie-Eve Ducharme, Directrice générale – Nüvü camēras inc.
2011 Quebec Award for new technology
2016 "Propulse ton GSO" prize
2017 Young International Leader
Discovery of the year 2009
Invitation to the 2017 cohort of the “parcours d’innovation”
Nüvü camēras CEO chairs the new fondation Montréal inc. fundraising campaign
Québec entrepreneurship contest 2011: numerous prizes
La NASA acquiert une camera conçue à l’UDEM
Nüvü Camēras Supports Medicine By Offering The Most Sensitive Brain Cancer Treatment
Awarded by
2011 Quebec Award for new technology
2016 "Propulse ton GSO" prize
2017 Young International Leader
Discovery of the year 2009
Invitation to the 2017 cohort of the “parcours d’innovation”
Nüvü camēras CEO chairs the new fondation Montréal inc. fundraising campaign
Québec entrepreneurship contest 2011: numerous prizes
“Future of Space Astronomy in Canada” workshop
17th CASI Astronautics Conference
18th CASI Astronautics conference
2015 World Congress of Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics
2016 Canadian Space Exploration Industry Forum
2016 China International Photoelectronic
2016 International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment
2016 SPIE Astronomical Telescope + Instrumentation Meeting
2016 Vision China (Beijing)
2016 Vision China (Shenzhen)
2017 Vision China (Shanghai)
2017 Vision China (Shenzhen)
2018 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation
2018 Vision China (Beijing)
2018 Vision China (Shanghai)
34th International Space Development Conference
6th Montreal Summit on Innovation
7th China International Photoelectronic Exhibition
AGU 2015
AGU 2016
ASTRO 2019
Biophysical Society 56th annual meeting
Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting
Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting
Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting
BIOS 2013
Canadian Smallsat Symposium
CCA Cytometry and microscopy symposium 2011
CEO’S Perspectives
Conference at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre
Conference at the Sherbrooke University Hospital Centre
CPIC Photonic Packaging and Integration Workshop
CSCA Canadian Space Policy Symposium
DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-27)
Demonstration of the EM N2 camera across several health research institutes
European Light Microscopy Initiative
Frontiers in Bioimaging 2018
FRQS 50th Anniversary
Imagine Imaging Symposium
International Imaging Equipment Exhibition 2018
ISU Space Study Program: AMOOS Project
L’Actualité’s 2014 SME Conference
Laser World of Photonics 2017
Laser World of Photonics China 2016
MCFR Luncheon with the Canadian Space Agency President
Meeting at the canadian space commerce association entitled “The next breakthrough space technologies for canada”
Microscience Microscopy Congress
Microscopical society of canada’s annual meeting 2011
Montreal light microscopy course 2012
Montreal Light Microscopy Course 2014
in the next Hubble-like mission
OPIE’ 18
Optics & Photonics international 2012
Optics-Photonics/Electronics event
Photonex 2017
Photonex Europe
Photonics North 2012
Photonics North 2013
Photonics North 2014
Photonics North 2015
Photonics North 2016
Photonics North 2017
Photonics North 2019
Photonics West 2013
Photonics West 2014
Photonics West 2015
Photonics West 2016
Photonics West 2017
Photonotics West 2018
Presentation at the Canadian Space Agency
Presentation at the National Research Council Canada institute for national measurement standards
Presentation of Nüvü Camēras technology at the international space university
Presentation of the EM N2 camera to the Mcgill university life sciences imaging facility
QPN March 2016 Meeting
QPN September 2015 Meeting
Quantitative Bioimaging Society 2019
Quebec Photonics Network Annual Meeting
Quebec Photonics Network Rendez-vous
Seminar on optics and photonics serving the biomedical industry at the national optics institute
Space Symposium 2024
SPEC 2016
SPIE - Photonics West 2024
SPIE - Photonics West 2025
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 2006
Spie astronomical telescopes & instrumentation 2008
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 2010
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 2012
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014
SPIE Photonics Europe 2018
SPIE Photonics West 2019
SPIE Photonics West 2020
SPIE Sensors + Imaging 2023
TEDX Pôle Maisonneuve Conference
Trade Show 2023
Trade Show 2023
Trade Show 2023
Trade Shows 2022
Workshop of Information Optics
Canadian camera technology to fly on NASA exoplanet telescope
L’art de choisir un nom d’entreprise
Nüvü Cameras technology to be used in nüSpace nanosatellites
2015 World Congress of Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics
AGU 2015
FRQS 50th Anniversary
Microscience Microscopy Congress
Photonics North 2014
Photonics North 2015
Photonics North 2016
Photonics North 2019
Photonics West 2016
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014
SPIE Photonics Europe 2018
SPIE Photonics West 2019
SPIE Photonics West 2020
A Quebec-made camera for exoplanet detection
La caméra la plus sensible au monde : une percée inégalée issue de l’UdeM
“Future of Space Astronomy in Canada” workshop
ASTRO 2019
ISU Space Study Program: AMOOS Project
Microscopical society of canada’s annual meeting 2011
Montreal light microscopy course 2012
Workshop of Information Optics
Finding your product-market fit
600 profs discutent sciences
A company in the southwest of Montreal catches the attention of NASA
A Quebec-made camera for exoplanet detection
Adaptive optics for rugged imaging camera for harsh environments offered by Nüvü
Advanced Imaging Rises to the Task of Detecting Space Debris
Analyser l’infiniment petit grâce aux technologies infiniment puissantes
Applications expand for
photon counting
Breakthrough products :
Bringing Habitable Planets to Light with Faster Adaptive Optics
Canada report urges strategic focus
Canadian camera technology to fly on NASA exoplanet telescope
Canadian technology developed for astronomy helps detect cancer cells
Crossing Borders - Fall 2016
De l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit
Du DEC technique au Doctorat en Astrophysique: La découverte de la caméra la plus sensible au monde – entrevue avec Olivier Daigle
becomes a robust technology with Nüvü Cameras
becomes a robust technology with Nüvü cameras
camera from Nüvü Camēras for molecular imaging
camera from Nüvü has peak gain at 5000
controller for extreme low light imaging
Every Photon Counts – making noise by eliminating noise
Finding your product-market fit
L’art de choisir un nom d’entreprise
L’ÉTS félicite chaleureusement Olivier Daigle, diplômé en génie électrique
La caméra la plus sensible au monde : une percée inégalée issue de l’UdeM
La caméra la plus sensible au monde fabriquée dans Griffintown
La NASA achète une caméra ultrasensible créée à Montréal
La NASA acquiert une camera conçue à l’UdeM
Low light camera assists in cancer treatment
Low Light Imaging with EMCCDS: What you should look for in technical specs
Marie-Eve Ducharme : pour sauver des vies
MROI feature
New feature accelerates
acquisition in low-light imaging applications
New products:
Nüvü Camēras at the INGO innovation center
Nuvu Cameras introduces the HNü Alpha, Gamma & Omega
Nüvü camēras introduces the HNü camera
Nüvü Caméras new canadian eye in the sky
Nüvü Camēras receives funding from government of canada to implement its commercialization strategy
Nüvü Cameras technology to be used in nüSpace nanosatellites
Nüvü Caméras: an
controller for space
Nüvü Camēras: fighting for a good cause
Nüvü Camēras: voir ce que les autres ne voient pas
Nüvü Camēras: Will the “Canadeye” join the Canadarm in space?
Nüvü Camēras’
Space Technology for Nanosatellite
cameras begin space qualification process
Nüvü repousse les limites de l’observable
Nüvü's work on Roman Space Telescope shared across media
Nüvü’s Camēras heads into space
Olivier Daigle (Nüvü Camēras) a développé la caméra la plus sensible au monde
Olivier Daigle, personality of the week
Percer la lumière, avec Nüvü Camēras
Petites, mais novatrices
Pushing sensitivity to the brink: selecting the right imaging technology for your application
Québec aerospace 2017
Riverlane Partners With Infleqtion And Nüvü Camēras to Help Quantum Computers ‘See’ Their Qubits
Roman space telescope: local know-how at the heart of a $5.4 billion project
Sensitive Pixels – up close and far away
The Canadian Space Agency awards $15 million for technology R&D to 25 companies
The Enigma of Fast Radio Bursts
The Holy Grail of science': Montreal startup's high-tech camera to help NASA search for exoplanets
Un œil de lynx pour la NASA grâce à un Lévisien
Voir différemment Marie-Eve Ducharme, Directrice générale – Nüvü camēras inc.
Voir l’infiniment petit
Women's summit: Marie-Eve Ducharme, Scientist and Entrepreneur
World’s most sensitive astronomical camera developed at the Université de Montréal
Press conference
in the next Hubble-like mission
Canadian technology developed for astronomy helps detect cancer cells
Crossing Borders - Fall 2016
becomes a robust technology with Nüvü Cameras
becomes a robust technology with Nüvü cameras
controller for extreme low light imaging
The Canadian Space Agency awards $15 million for technology R&D to 25 companies
17th CASI Astronautics Conference
18th CASI Astronautics conference
2016 China International Photoelectronic
2016 International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment
2016 SPIE Astronomical Telescope + Instrumentation Meeting
2016 Vision China (Beijing)
2016 Vision China (Shenzhen)
2017 Vision China (Shanghai)
2017 Vision China (Shenzhen)
2018 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation
2018 Vision China (Beijing)
2018 Vision China (Shanghai)
34th International Space Development Conference
6th Montreal Summit on Innovation
AGU 2016
Biophysical Society 56th annual meeting
Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting
Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting
Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting
BIOS 2013
Canadian Smallsat Symposium
CEO’S Perspectives
Conference at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre
Conference at the Sherbrooke University Hospital Centre
CPIC Photonic Packaging and Integration Workshop
Demonstration of the EM N2 camera across several health research institutes
European Light Microscopy Initiative
Frontiers in Bioimaging 2018
International Imaging Equipment Exhibition 2018
L’Actualité’s 2014 SME Conference
Laser World of Photonics 2017
Laser World of Photonics China 2016
MCFR Luncheon with the Canadian Space Agency President
OPIE’ 18
Optics-Photonics/Electronics event
Photonex 2017
Photonex Europe
Photonics North 2012
Photonics North 2013
Photonics North 2017
Photonics West 2013
Photonics West 2014
Photonics West 2015
Photonics West 2017
Photonotics West 2018
Presentation of Nüvü Camēras technology at the international space university
Presentation of the EM N2 camera to the Mcgill university life sciences imaging facility
QPN March 2016 Meeting
QPN September 2015 Meeting
Quantitative Bioimaging Society 2019
Quebec Photonics Network Annual Meeting
Quebec Photonics Network Rendez-vous
Seminar on optics and photonics serving the biomedical industry at the national optics institute
SPEC 2016
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 2006
Spie astronomical telescopes & instrumentation 2008
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 2010
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 2012
SPIE Sensors + Imaging 2023
TEDX Pôle Maisonneuve Conference
CCA Cytometry and microscopy symposium 2011
CSCA Canadian Space Policy Symposium
DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-27)
Imagine Imaging Symposium
2016 Canadian Space Exploration Industry Forum
Meeting at the canadian space commerce association entitled “The next breakthrough space technologies for canada”
Montreal Light Microscopy Course 2014
Presentation at the Canadian Space Agency
Presentation at the National Research Council Canada institute for national measurement standards
Trade show
7th China International Photoelectronic Exhibition
Optics & Photonics international 2012
Space Symposium 2024
SPIE - Photonics West 2024
SPIE - Photonics West 2025
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024
Trade Show 2023
Trade Show 2023
Trade Show 2023
Trade Shows 2022
Tv Appearances
Du Big Bang au vivant
Le directeur général du SAJE parle entrepreneuriat
Olivier Daigle's long distance race
Un appareil photo astronomique
Du Big Bang au vivant
Le directeur général du SAJE parle entrepreneuriat
Un appareil photo astronomique
600 profs discutent sciences
A company in the southwest of Montreal catches the attention of NASA
Applications expand for
photon counting
Canada report urges strategic focus
De l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit
Du DEC technique au Doctorat en Astrophysique: La découverte de la caméra la plus sensible au monde – entrevue avec Olivier Daigle
camera from Nüvü Camēras for molecular imaging
camera from Nüvü has peak gain at 5000
Every Photon Counts – making noise by eliminating noise
L’ÉTS félicite chaleureusement Olivier Daigle, diplômé en génie électrique
La caméra la plus sensible au monde fabriquée dans Griffintown
La NASA achète une caméra ultrasensible créée à Montréal
Low Light Imaging with EMCCDS: What you should look for in technical specs
Marie-Eve Ducharme : pour sauver des vies
Nüvü Camēras receives funding from government of canada to implement its commercialization strategy
Nüvü Camēras: fighting for a good cause
Nüvü Camēras: voir ce que les autres ne voient pas
Nüvü Camēras: Will the “Canadeye” join the Canadarm in space?
cameras begin space qualification process
Nüvü repousse les limites de l’observable
Olivier Daigle (Nüvü Camēras) a développé la caméra la plus sensible au monde
Olivier Daigle, personality of the week
Percer la lumière, avec Nüvü Camēras
Petites, mais novatrices
Pushing sensitivity to the brink: selecting the right imaging technology for your application
Roman space telescope: local know-how at the heart of a $5.4 billion project
Sensitive Pixels – up close and far away
The Enigma of Fast Radio Bursts
The Holy Grail of science': Montreal startup's high-tech camera to help NASA search for exoplanets
Un œil de lynx pour la NASA grâce à un Lévisien
Voir l’infiniment petit
Women's summit: Marie-Eve Ducharme, Scientist and Entrepreneur
World’s most sensitive astronomical camera developed at the Université de Montréal
Adaptive optics for rugged imaging camera for harsh environments offered by Nüvü
Analyser l’infiniment petit grâce aux technologies infiniment puissantes
Low light camera assists in cancer treatment
New feature accelerates
acquisition in low-light imaging applications
Nuvu Cameras introduces the HNü Alpha, Gamma & Omega
Nüvü camēras introduces the HNü camera
Nüvü Caméras new canadian eye in the sky
Nüvü Camēras’
Space Technology for Nanosatellite
Québec aerospace 2017
What affects
frame rates?
What are clock-induced charges?
What are the
’s optics?
What is an
What is an
’s dynamic range?
What is bias subtraction?
What is
EM Gain
What is time-delay integration?
HNü 128 – 128 x 128
HNü 512 – 512 x 512
– Scanning
HNü 240 – 240 x 240
HNü 1024 – 1 MP
EM N2 – LN2 cooled
– controller
CCCPs – controller
Vacuum compatible cooling
A flexible adaptive optics concept for general purpose high angular resolution science on the DAG 4m telescope
A modular platform for bioluminescent RNA tracking
A new inhibitor of the b-arrestin/AP2 endocytic complex reveals interplay between GPCR internalization and signalling
A new method for measuring the meteor mass index application to the 2018 Draconid meteor shower outburst
A precursor mission to high contrast imaging balloon system
ABB and Nüvü to deliver exo-planet cameras for NASA future telescope
Abstract: Spectroscopic imaging system for high-throughput viability assessment of ovarian microtumors in a microfluidic system
Abstract: Through-microscope spectroscopic excitation and emission for fluorescence molecular imaging as a tool to guide neurosurgical interventions
Adaptive optical imaging with entangled photons
Adaptive optics at Gemini observatories: past, present, and future
Adaptive optics corrected imaging for satellite and debris characterisation
Adaptive Optics system of the Evanescent Wave Coronagraph (EvWaCo): optimised phase plate and DM characterisation
Advancing ultraviolet detector technology for future missions: investigating the
dark current
plateau in silicon detectors using
Ageing and Polypharmacy in Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: Metabolic Impact Assessed by Hyperspectral Imaging of Autofluorescence
Ageing human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells have depleted NAD(P)H and distinct multispectral autofluorescence
An adaptive optics aided differential optical positioning for passive orbit determination of the space debris at the geostationary orbit
An Adaptive Optics Census of Companions to Northern Stars Within 25 pc with Robo-AO
An approach to ground based space surveillance of geostationary on-orbit servicing operations
An integrated atom array-nanophotonic chip platform with background-free imaging
An intraoperative spectroscopic imaging system for quantification of Protoporphyrin IX during glioma surgery
Astronomical Imaging With
Using Long Exposures
ATLAST detector needs for direct spectroscopic biosignature characterization in the visible and near-IR
Atmospheric turbulence profiling with a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
Atmospheric turbulence profiling with multi-aperture scintillation of a Shack-Hartmann sensor
Autofluorophores Assessed by Hyperspectral Microscopy Indicate Perturbation and Transplant Viability in Pancreatic Islets
Automated pancreatic islet viability assessment for transplantation using bright-field deep morphological signature
Automating the alert response of the NUTTelA-TAO telescope and multicolor optical observation of the early afterglow
Balloon-borne FIREBall-2 ultraviolet spectrograph stray light control based on nonsequential reverse modeling of on-sky data
Balloon-borne FIREBall-2
spectrograph stray light control based on non-sequential reverse modeling of on-sky data
Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET) Imaging in Living Cells: Image Acquisition and Quantification
Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer–based imaging of protein–protein interactions in living cells
Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer–based imaging of protein–protein interactions in living cells
Bivalent ligands promote endosomal trafficking of the dopamine D3 receptor-neurotensin receptor 1 heterodimer
BTFI2: a simple, light, and compact Fabry-Perot instrument for the SOAR telescope
Canadian Contributions Studies for the WFIRST Instruments
Canadian Technologies for the WFIRST Coronograph; the next US Astronomy Flagship Mission
Candidate detector assessment for the CASTOR mission
: A
controller for counting photons
Characterization of a
photon counting
for space-based high contrast imaging spectroscopy of extrasolar planets
Characterization results of
for extreme low light imaging
Chemoresistance assessment of ovarian cancer microtumors trapped in a microfluidic chip using a spectroscopic imaging system
Chitosan siRNA Nanoparticles Produce Significant Non-Toxic Functional Gene Silencing in Kidney Cortices
CHOUGH: current status and future plans
CHOUGH: implementation and performance of a high-order 4m AO demonstrator
CHOUGH: spatially filtered Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensor for HOAO
Comparison of
post-processing methods for
photon counting
flux ranges
Continuous wave optical scanner for small animal molecular imaging
charge handling capacity through customized clocking
Coordinated Optical and Radar measurements of Low Velocity Meteors
De-scattering with Excitation Patterning enables rapid wide-field imaging through scattering media
Delta-doped electron-multiplying charge-coupled device for photon-starved ultraviolet astronomy: modeling, performance, trade-offs, and prospects for future upgrades
for sub-orbital and space based missions
Detectivity optimization to measure ultraweak light fluxes using an EM-CCD as binary photon counter array
Detector Performance for the FIREBall-2
Development of a 1U new space camera for
sensors with enhanced low-light sensitivity
Development of a Very Faint Meteor Detection System based on an
Sensor and Matched Filter Processing
Development of conformational BRET biosensors that monitor ezrin, radixin and moesin activation in real time
Eastern Anatolia Observatory (DAG): the status in 2022, towards the first light
Effector membrane translocation biosensors reveal G protein and βarrestin coupling profiles of 100 therapeutically relevant GPCRs
EGFR signaling and pharmacology in oncology revealed with innovative BRET-based biosensors
Electron multiplication
detector technology advancement for the WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph
Electron Multiplying
Detector Technology Advancement for the WFIRST-AFTA Coronagraph
Electron multiplying
for sensitive wavefront sensing at 3k frames per second
for Future Space Instruments
for future SDA applications
: 10 MHz and beyond
End-to-end ground calibration and in-flight performance of the FIREBall-2 instrument
Enhancing the capability of future medium-size telescopes: First light of the SALTO demonstrator
Experimental determination of shift-less aberration bases for sensorless adaptive optics in nonlinear microscopy
Extreme faint flux imaging with an
Faint flux performance of an
Fast wide-field upconversion luminescence lifetime thermometry enabled by single-shot compressed ultrahigh-speed imaging
FIREBAll-2 thermal control system: Performance of the 2018 flight and improvements for 2021
FIREBall-2: advancing TRL while doing proof-of-concept astrophysics on a suborbital platform
First holistic modelling of meteoroid ablation and fragmentation: A case study of the Orionids recorded by the Canadian Automated Meteor Observatory
First on-sky results, performance, and future of the HiCIBaS-LOWFS
First results of the non-common path aberration correction in the Evanescent Wave Coronagraph testbed
photon counting
electron multiplying charge coupled device development for the Roman Space Telescope coronagraph instrument
Fluorescence hyperspectral imaging for live monitoring of multiple spheroids in microfluidic chips
GPI 2.0: design of the pyramid wave front sensor upgrade for GPI
GPI 2.0: exploring the impact of different readout modes on the wavefront sensor's
GPI 2.0: performance evaluation of the wavefront sensor’s
GPI 2.0: pre-integrated pyramid wavefront sensor results
GPI 2.0: pyramid wavefront sensor status
GPI 2.0: upgrade status of the Gemini Planet Imager
GPI 2.0: upgrading the Gemini Planet Imager
High-fidelity gates and mid-circuit erasure conversion in an atomic qubit
Hybrid FMT-MRI applied to in vivo atherosclerosis imaging
Hyperspectral imaging in neurosurgery: a review of systems, computational methods, and clinical applications
Hyperspectral imaging to monitor simultaneously multiple protein subtypes and live track their spatial dynamics- a new platform to screen drugs for CNS diseases
Hyperspectral multiplex singleparticle tracking of different receptor subtypes labeled with quantum dots in live neurons
Improved sensitivity to fluorescence for cancer detection in wide-field image-guided neurosurgery
INO Pyramidal Wavefront Sensor Demonstrator: first closed-loop on-sky operation at Mont-Mégantic Telescope
Iron Rain: measuring the occurrence rate and origin of small iron meteoroids at Earth
KalAO the swift adaptive optics imager on the 1.2m Euler Swiss telescope in La Silla, Chile
Laser optical differentiation WFS design and lab characterization for SIGHT
Long-term fluorescence hyperspectral imaging of on-chip treated co-culture tumour spheroids to follow clonal evolution
Many interesting things are afoot at the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer
MAPLE- Reflected Light from Exoplanets with a 50-cm Diameter Stratospheric Balloon Telescope
MRI-guided fiber-based Fluorescence Molecular Tomography for preclinical atherosclerosis imagin
Multiline Orthogonal Scanning Temporal Focusing (mosTF) microscopy for reducing scattering in high-speed in vivo brain imaging
Multiline Orthogonal Scanning Temporal Focusing (mosTF) microscopy for reducing scattering in high-speed in vivo brain imaging
Multispectral characterisation of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: age, cell cycle, senescence, and pluripotency
Multispectral Imaging of Collagen, NAD(P)H and Flavin Autofluorescence in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Undergoing Trilineage Differentiation
Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope coronagraph
flight camera electronics development
Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope coronagraph instrument observation calibration plan
NGS2: a focal plane array upgrade for the GeMS multiple tip-tilt wavefront sensor
Noise and dark performance for FIREBall-2
Noisy dynamics of U(1) lattice gauge theory in ultracold atomic mixtures
Non-invasive assessment of urinary exfoliated proximal tubule cells using multispectral autofluorescence imaging features for early detection of CKD
for nanosatellites
Observation of Cooper pairs in a mesoscopic two-dimensional Fermi gas
Observation of Pauli Crystals
On-sky performance of KalAO the swift adaptive optics imager on the 1.2m Euler Swiss telescope in La Silla, Chile
Optical design of the adaptive optics system for DAG, the new 4 m Turkish telescope
Optical fluxes and meteor properties of the camelopardalid meteor shower
Penning micro-trap for quantum computing
Performance of the BSTI instrument on the NUTTelA-TAO telescope for high time-resolution, simultaneous three-channel imaging of prompt gamma-ray burst optical emission
Performance of the NUTTelA-TAO instrument system after two years of operation
Photon counting
and precision photometry for the Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph
Pipeline for the Detection of Serendipitous Stellar Occultations by Kuiper Belt Objects with the Colibri Fast-photometry Array
Planet imaging polarimetry with the solar telescope GREGOR
Poster : Characterization results of a large format 4k x 4k
Poster : Continuous wave optical scanner for small animal molecular imaging
Poster : Moving beyond single-point Raman spectroscopy: development of a hand-held Raman imaging probe for intraoperative tumor margin assessment
Poster: How can the Enhanced Sensitivity and Favourable Noise Characteristics Conferred by Electron Multiplication Improve Fluorescence-Guided Surgery?
Poster: Improved Single-molecule Imaging Based On Photon Counting With An
Poster: Ultra fast Raman hyperspectral imaging using Bragg tunable filters and a high performance
PR -
becomes a robust technology Nüvü Camēras
PR - New feature for faster
acquisition by Nüvü Camēras
PR - New standard for thermoelectric
cameras: HNü by Nüvü Caméras
PR - Nüvü Camēras enhances rapid neuronal imaging platform for drug effectiveness assessment
PR - Nüvü Camēras is expanding to INGO innovation centre
PR - Nüvü Camēras supports medecine by offering the most sensitive brain cancer treatment
PR - World's first space
controller by Nüvü Camēras
PR -Nüvü Camēras on its way to space
Preliminary characterization results of a large format 4k x 4k
Preliminary closed-loop performance of the adaptive optics for the Evanescent Wave Coronagraph prototype
Progress report on the NASA probe mission concept, CETUS
Pterygium and Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia: Optical Biopsy Using a Novel Autofluorescence Multispectral Imaging Technique
Pyramidal Wavefront Sensor Demonstrator at INO
Quantum yield estimation for an electron-multiplying charge-coupled device from
photon counting
test data
Real Time Generation of Three Dimensional Patterns for Multiphoton Stimulation
Realization of a Laughlin State of Two Rapidly Rotating Fermions
Realizations and future projects of the high contrast imaging balloon system (HiCIBaS) platform
Role of the V2R–βarrestin–Gβγ complex in promoting G protein translocation to endosomes
Roman coronagraph instrument: engineering overview and status
Roman space telescope coronagraph: engineering design and operating concept
Roman space telescope coronagraph: engineering design and operating concept
Satellite and debris characterisation in LEO and GEO using adaptive optics
Searching for ZZ Ceti White Dwarfs in the Gaia Survey
Selectivity Landscape of 100 Therapeutically Relevant GPCR Profiled by an Effector Translocation-Based BRET Platform
Simulation of a single
photon counting
photonic spectrograph for exoplanet atmospheric characterization
Single cell, Label free Characterisation of Human Mesenchymal Stromal cell Stemness and Future Growth Potential by Autofluorescence Multispectral Imaging
siRNA Delivery with Chitosan: Influence of Chitosan Molecular Weight, Degree of Deacetylation, and Amine to Phosphate Ratio on in Vitro Silencing Efficiency, Hemocompatibility, Biodistribution, and in Vivo Efficacy
Space telescope design to directly image the habitable zone of Alpha Centauri
Speckle Interferometry Tracking of On-Orbit Servicing in Geostationary Orbit
Spectroscopic imaging system for high-throughput viability assessment of ovarian spheroids or microdissected tumor tissues (MDTs) in a microfluidic chip
Starlight coupling through atmospheric turbulence into few-mode fibers and photonic lanterns in the presence of partial adaptive optics correction
Status of the SALTO demonstrator: project overview and first on-sky operations
Stereo-SCIDAR system for improvement of adaptive optics space debris-tracking activities
Stochastic dynamics of a few sodium atoms in presence of a cold potassium cloud
Stochastic light concentration from 3D to 2D reveals ultraweak chemi- and bioluminescence
Stringent and result-oriented training requirements at the heart of research funding opportunities: the case of the CSA FAST funding activity and the HiCIBaS project
Technology advancement of the CCD201-20
for the WFIRST coronagraph instrument: sensor characterization and radiation damage
Testbed for coupling starlight into fibers and astrophotonic instruments
The adaptive optics system of the GREGOR solar telescope
The darkest
The effect of proton radiation on the
for a low Earth orbit satellite mission
The emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts: Identification via optical-IR slope measurements
The evolution of robotic adaptive optics: Robo-AO 2 and SIGHT
The faint intergalactic-medium red-shifted emission balloon: future
observations with
The FIREBall-2
balloon telescope: 2018 flight and improvements for 2020
The impact of radiation damage on
photon counting
with an
for the WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph
The influence of distant substrates on the outcome of contact electrification
The Navy Precision Optical Interferometer: large-aperture observations and infrastructure improvements
The Robo-AO-2 facility for rapid visible/near-infrared AO imaging and the demonstration of hybrid techniques
The Roman Space Telescope coronagraph technology demonstration: current status and relevance to future missions
The use of an axicon beam-shaping element in nonmodulated pyramid wavefront sensors
The use of
as silicon-based
photon counting
Time-Delay Integration
TMT-AGE: wide field of regard multi-object adaptive optics for TMT
TOI-1452 b: SPIRou and TESS Reveal a Super-Earth in a Temperate Orbit Transiting an M4 Dwarf
Towards label-free non-invasive autofluorescence multispectral imaging for melanoma diagnosis
Controller for Space Applications
TROIA adaptive optics system for DAG Telescope
TROIA adaptive optics system for DAG telescope: assembly and laboratory performance prior to on-sky assessment
Ultra low noise
camera considered to test a novel superresolution microscopy technique: the 3-B technique
Ultra-high sensitivity detection of bimodal probes at ultra-low noise for combined fluorescence and positron emission tomography imaging
Ultrasound Guided Fluorescence Tomography
Ultraviolet sensitivity of a teledyne-e2v
VROOMM: a new high-resolution echelle spectrograph for Observatoire du Mont Mégantic
WFIRST AFTA Coronagraphic Operations Lessons Learned from the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope
WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph instrument overview
Wide-field spontaneous Raman spectroscopy imaging system for biological tissue interrogation
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