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​Roman space telescope: local know-how at the heart of a $5.4 billion project

March 7, 2022

Nuvu and ABB worked together to develop a space version of Nuvu patented EMCCD controller to meet NASA's requirements.

Quebec, Canada

A company in the southwest of Montreal catches the attention of NASA

January 20, 2022

The Montreal company Nüvü Cameras caught the attention of NASA, which will integrate its imaging technology into its next major mission, scheduled to launch in 2027.

Quebec, Canada

The Enigma of Fast Radio Bursts

January 17, 2021

Nüvü's key role in exoplanet imaging aboard the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is highlighted along with another Canadian contribution to astronomy; the CHIME telescope, which will be used to study fast radio bursts.

Quebec, Canada

The Holy Grail of science': Montreal startup's high-tech camera to help NASA search for exoplanets

December 28, 2020

The Canadian Brodcasting Corporation interviewed Nüvü's Oliver Daigle who shared its unique experience in providing its enabling camera technology for NASA's next space telescope along with ABB.

Quebec, Canada

Nüvü Camēras: Will the “Canadeye” join the Canadarm in space?

December 7th 2017

Substance presents Nüvü Camēras’ space accomplishments, a crucial role in Canada’s contribution to space exploration and security of future space instruments in this harsh environment.


Nüvü Camēras: fighting for a good cause

March 13th 2017

The Innovation district of Montreal’s journal presents Nüvü Camēras vision of revolutionizing the industries of biomedical diagnosis and astronomy, among others, with the ultimate goal of bettering human lives.

Quartier de l'Innovation

Nüvü EMCCD cameras begin space qualification process

June 6th 2016

Laser Focus World presents Nüvü Cameras’ latest exclusive feature: the passive heat dissipation of its electronics. The innovation spurred by space exploration, pioneers new developments in EMCCD cameras to benefit human lives through hospital centres’ systems. A TRL-5 version of Nüvü’s EMCCD technology is already in the design phase thanks to Canadian Space Agency support.

Laser Focus World, Gail Overton

Women's summit: Marie-Eve Ducharme, Scientist and Entrepreneur

March 3rd 2016

Nüvü Camēras’ CEO, Marie-Eve Ducharme, explains her careerpath as both an entrepreneur and scientist to inspire other women to follow their dreams.

Radio Canada

Canada report urges strategic focus

February 16th 2016

Among all the Canadian companies present at Photonics West, Nüvü Camēras was highlighted on the front page of the first paper of the 2016 event.

Photonics West Show Daily

La caméra la plus sensible au monde fabriquée dans Griffintown

January 25th 2016

André Desroches, of the daily newspaper Journal Métro, interviewed Nüvü Camēras co-founders Marie-Eve Ducharme and Olivier Daigle about the company’s achievements and new installations in the INGO Innovation Center in Griffintown, Montreal.

Journal Métro, André Desroches
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